
Typically the users' email addresses have been having problems. It is unfortunate that Mailman doesn't have an option to notify you about every bounce (should you indeed want that) so you can alert subscribers (should you have an alternate contact for them).

Scripts have been posted in the past to scan the logs and email you about bounces, though.

J. Edward (Ed) Muns wrote:

At exactly 7:00am on each of the past 5 days (31 May, 1-4 June), a different
batch of subscribers have been unsubscribed from a list I administer using
Mailman.  I receive a message from Mailman for each of them, but there is no
information about why they were unsubscribed or who initiated it.  I've had
this happen in the past with other lists I manage under Mailman.

What do you think is going on and how do I fix it?


John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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