On Thu, 2003-07-10 at 17:27, Martyn Drake wrote:
> I'm running several internal MailMan mailing lists which are in turn
> have other MailMan mailing lists subscribed to it.  In addition, the
> same people are subscribed to other mailing lists on the system.
> The problem is that they're complaining about duplicate messages
> whenever anybody cross-posts to these mailing lists and I was wondering
> if MailMan is clever enough to detect that this same person is receiving
> the same message and consequently only delivers one copy.
> Regards,
>       Martyn

I'm no expert on mailings lists, or Mailman, but I'm pretty sure that
all lists are independent of one another. Who is on list A, and what
gets delivered to the members of list A, bare no relevence to who is on
list B, and what gets delivered to list B.

Anyone can feel free to correct me if they wish

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