On Friday, July 18, 2003, at 03:40 PM, Lauren Goldwert wrote:

Hi there,
I have attempted to use mailman to send 1 email announcment to 200 people on
my mailing list, however I found that most people didn't get the email
because it was filtered as junk mail by their junk mail filters since the
email was not sent directly to their email address, but rather a

Sounds like a fairly brain-damaged filter if it is applying rules to the To: header. Your list member's addresses are on the SMTP envelope of the messages or they wouldn't get to the MTA which should be trying to deliver to them. SMTP delivery is not based on the headers in the message but the address on the SMTP envelope.

Is there a way to have mailman send 1 email announcement to each member, one
at a time, so that the email is addressed to each individual specifically?


You do not say what version of MM you are running. If it is 2.1.x then you could try turning on full personalization on the on the non-digest option page of the web admin GUI for your list.

I think this will lead to individual messages containing To: headers with the member addresses in them.

You will pay a performance penalty but as they count of members is quite low ...

If you do this you might as well turn on VERP for personalized messages and get the benefit of more precise bounce handling, given that you are expending the cost of personalization.

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