
> Hello,
>         although you don't give information about the system (OS etc),
> the best  candidate, for the heavy load is the mailscanner - spamassasin
> combo. I suspect that you are noticing this when the message is being
> processed by these two ...

Sorry about that - it is fresh installed Slackware 9.0 with 2.4.21
kernel (to which I applied a patch which disables write access to
/proc/kmem - but this shouldn't be a problem, right?) and _without_
loadable modules support.

Actually the Mailman's heavy processor usage is constant. All the
time. Non-stop.

> I suspect you have the classic two queue configuration for mailscanner
> and that spamassasin is being invoked by the local mailer (Mlocal in
> sendmail terms ...).

Actually there are 2 Postfix' running on the system (one is listening
on SMTP port and sending mail to MailScanner's incoming queue, the
other one is grabbing what it gets from MailScanner's output and
actually sends mail). MailScanner is using SpamAssassin "on his own",
so Postfix doesn't have to mess with it.

> The best solution I can think of is "moving" up in the mail saga those
> two checks, where your MTA has done already most of the required job.

I don't fully understand your point here.

> I do not now mutch of postfix (yeah sendmail user/maniac here ...) but
> you could try something like mimedefang or anything else that is
> milterAPI equivalent for postfix ...

Ugh... :) Been using sendmail for few years but never had to use those
nasty features. ;-).

The funny thing is, that all works fine on some other installation,
which is actually identical. I don't understand...


Nejc Skoberne
Grajska 5
SI-5220 Tolmin

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