I realize this has come up often in the list, but hit a snag and was not sure where else to turn. I couldn't find much in the archives that addressed this, but if it is a duplicate, please accept my apologies.

I've applied the htDig patches :

And all were applied happily.

The indexing appears to be happening correctly on the filesystem level since the htdig directory is being created, the conf file is being created, and if I manually perform a search (htsearch -c <blah>), I do get output and results. However, I am not getting the search form at the top of the index.html page as is supposed to happen. So, as expected, I cannot search via the web interface. :(

The index.html file *IS* being updated, but nothing is getting added to it (no search form)...

I *believe* I followed the htdig docs to the letter, but it seems as if I am still missing something.

Any help would be much appreciated!


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