
I've read in the mail archive about some problems people have had creating umbrella lists. So I wanted to just check and make sure I'm doing this the right way before I make a mess on my own server!

I work at a school and I have a list of parents at each grade level for the teachers to use. The principal now wants to send out a message to all parents, and while he could do it by mailing each of the lists separately, an umbrella list seems like the way he can mail just one address and all the lists would get mailed. FAQ entry 3.5 talks about some aspects of this, but is the basic process this:

1. Use ./newlist to make the umbrella list.
2. Add new list info to /etc/aliases; run newaliases.
3. Add as members of the list the names of the other lists that need to be mailed when this umbrella name is sent to.

I've read how some suggest using a script to sync members, but at this point I don't really care if people receive duplicate messages because they're on more than one of those sublists.

Will there be any confusion among the users other than those duplicate messages they may get? I don't send out password reminders.



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