On Friday, November 14, 2003, at 03:08 pm, Thomas C. Fischer wrote:

Hi Richard, hi Dave,

Unfortunately, all the message components that contain the web_page_url
string variable have it evaluating to one domain name (usually the
one) even though components using host_name evaluate to each list's
correct domain.

This FAQ entry my be of use:


Forgive me when I laugh... This FAQ entry is quoted every single time someone asks about URLs in mailman. And I have never met anybody whose problem got solved through reading it...

Well, you and anybody else who has the time and energy to do better is welcome to rewrite that FAQ or any another. It is Open Software and anybody can contribute ....

I am using mailman for quite a while now and I still haven't managed to set the URL correctly from the start.

Have your read the output from $prefix/bin/newlist --help ? It says in part:

You can specify the domain to create your new list in by spelling the listname
like so:


where `www.mydom.ain' should be the base hostname for the URL to this virtual
hosts's lists. E.g. with is setting people will view the general list
overviews at http://www.mydom.ain/mailman/listinfo. Also, www.mydom.ain
should be a key in the VIRTUAL_HOSTS mapping in mm_cfg.py/Defaults.py. It
will be looked up to give the email hostname. If this can't be found, then
www.mydom.ain will be used for both the web interface and the email

The way I do it now is to set up a
list, ignore the mail to the list admin and change the URL manually with

./withlist -l -r fix_url mylistname -v -u my.webhost.name

However I am still very interested in finding people who managed to
configure mailman in a way that the URL gets set correctly right from the

Look here:

DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST = 'mailhost.name'
DEFAULT_URL_HOST = 'my.webhost.name'
DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN = 'https://%s/mailman/'

Now tell my why this doesn't do the trick?! The mail for the list admin
still has the link


But instead of mailhost.name it should have my.webhost.name, don't you

Only if the list was created after the assignments you cite above were extant when the list was created. Are you saying that if you now create another test list, you get the wrong results?

Well, as usual: Any help is greatly appreciated!

Best regards,

Richard Barrett                               http://www.openinfo.co.uk

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