At 12:15 AM +0200 2004/02/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

         It is far easier to add information (e.g., add another recipient
 address) than it is to recreate information that was destroyed.

I can recall not one letter directly from a person's MUA to me with "Reply-To:" differing from "From:".

Fine. Those messages weren't munged by a misguided mailing list manager.

                                      And I had much correspondence since
 1996: on most lists I use digest mode, counter of sent by me letters
 in my MUA shows currently 54532, I receive about 4.3 times more
 letters than I send (i.e. I received about quarter million letters).

I can go back through the 90's, into the mid-80's if length of time is the important criteria here. I have multiple gigabytes of e-mail on my current system, and untold gigabytes of e-mail archived off in one place or another.

 Yes, I did consider. The fact that many newbie members on my
 relatively small (227 members today) list haven't "Reply to all" button
 overrode other concerns.

See my previous message. It has been my experience that people continue down this path, heedless of all warnings, until the fateful day comes when this really, really seriously bites them, and they lose their job, their business, their best friend (or friends), their spouse, or whatever.

After all, when you're playing Russian Roulette, you keep living (and winning), every time you pull that trigger. That is, until the last one.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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