Like I said, it works fine via smtp and the only app complaining is mailman. :)

I don't know how to 'turn up' the logging on mailman in order to dig further to see what it is doing..

Also, the email you sent was direct, via SMTP, to the server.. the same server that mailman sits on..

Not sure where else to look...


Rich West wrote:

Interesting.. in investigating another problem, I noticed the following in the smtp-error file:
Oct 22 12:14:49 2004 (4223) All recipients refused: {'[EMAIL PROTECTED]': (550, '5.1.1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... User unknown')}, msgid: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Doesn't look like a mailman problem,
looks like a smtp problem.

I tried sending directly to this account
via smtp, and it worked fine.
Will need more verbose logging to figure this

Are you sending via the correct relay (

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