At 9:38 PM -0400 2004-10-30, David Relson wrote:

 I appreciate the pointers.  One of the problems(?) with mailman is that
 there is _so_ much information, it's close to overwhelming.

One general rule should be to start with the FAQ and the archives, and make use of whatever search tools may be available to you. As you can see at the bottom of every message posted to this list, we do try to provide some useful links:

 Mailman FAQ:
 Searchable Archives:

There is more information available in the List-* headers within each message.

 My project, bogofilter, suffers from difficulty in finding the right
 information, even though we don't have as much info. I suspect that our
 documentation could be better organized than it is :-(

One thing I think you want to look at is standard integration methods between MTAs and anti-spam filtering tools, and how you can make use of those same hooks in your own project.

It might be of some use to see how the SpamAssassin, DSPAM, or SpamBayes people do their stuff, and see what things you can learn from them. Then you might want to look at how these sorts of things are typically done with all the MTAs, such as sendmail, postfix, Exim, etc....

I'm also involved in the NTP Project, and we provide a TWiki for use in creating community-supported documentation in addition to the official FAQ. For the project, they also provide a wiki (of the moinmoin variety), in addition to the FAQ Wizard.

If you don't already have a FAQ, you could easily make use of wiki-style tools to help put something like that together.

Once you have a FAQ and a way to easily maintain it, the issue becomes getting one or more people to monitor the mailing lists and newsgroups, and periodically take the frequently asked questions and put them into an appropriate format, etc.... I started doing that sort of thing over ten years ago for the sendmail FAQ, and more recently I've contributed to the NTP community supported documentation and the Mailman FAQ.

Of course, Google is also your friend. I recommend the book _Google Hacks_ from O'Reilly (see <>).

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
    Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

  SAGE member since 1995.  See <> for more info.
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