I have a couple of messages posted to a list (moderated list, sent weekly) that appear in the lists archives, but not in the post log for mailman. The weeks before that they appear like this:

Jan 06 14:03:41 2005 (1967) post to tn_sale from [EMAIL PROTECTED], size=16694, 3 failures

Always with 3 failures. Then last week, the 13th there are no errors anywhere, but no posted log. Also, their number of out-of-office and bounces seem very low. They are concerned that it never finished sending. They sent another today--again, no posted message. I did not receive todays yet, but it was sent around 11 this morning...and there doesn't seem to be anything in the outgoing queue. The server is not acting like mailman is busy--I'm not seeing python tasks popping up frequently, like I do when it's sending usually. What else can I check? Has this happened to anyone else?

Anne Ramey

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