At 3:15 PM -0500 2005-03-27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At the moment I am able to create lists and messages from the list are
 successfully sent out to list-owner or list members.  What I am unable to
 do is send messages from a remote account to the list.  I send messages to
 the list and after some time receive bounces to my remote account
 indicating that the connection was refused by the address I was attempting
 to send to.

Sounds to me like your mail server is not accepting incoming connections, or there might be a firewall blocking incoming connections.

 A few other items...
 I've checked the MTA logs at /var/log/maillog and am not receiving any
 information in this file indicating that the messages sent from a remote
 host ever interacted with my local box running Mailman.

Yup. It's either not listening (or at least not listening to the right address), or it's being blocked somewhere.

However, debugging this part of the problem is going to be specific to your OS (and how it handles host-level firewalling), your network connection device (are you behind some sort of NAT/router which is effectively firewalling incoming connections), your MTA (maybe it's not configured to listen to the right address or addresses), and your service provider (maybe they block all incoming port 25 connections).

There's nothing Mailman-specific here. We're not really likely to be able to provide you much more help.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
    Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755

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