No, I don't want to convert you to my opinion of Reply-To handling :-)

I think Mailmans attitude is correct, everyone should be able to implement his
own idea ...

Only I found it not flexible enough.

Our Problem: We have an announcement list for campus network admnistrators and
an associated discussion list (for *interested* network administrators).
Usually, answers are directed to the discussion list and everyone is happy.

But sometimes, there are announcements like "We need 20 people who also buy
this to get a good price. If you would like to buy, answer me."

The answers obviously shouldn't go to the list. Network adminstrators aren't
any better at hand editing To: fields than anybody else. If you opt for not
stripping the original Reply-To: header, you will get the answers to the sender
*and* the list, also not what you want.

My idea would be to restructure the options in the following way:

# 0 - Reply-To: no address
# 1 - Reply-To: back to the list
# 2 - Reply-To: to an explicit value (reply_to_address)
# 3 - Reply-To: to sender of mail

# 0 - merge
# 1 - override
# 2 - respect

For our case, I'd use values of "0" and "2".

I hope the meaning of "respect", "override" and "merge" is clear ...

Any ideas?

| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Please help stamp out spam! |
| Postmaster, JAPH, resident answer machine    at RUB Comp. Center |
| Sincere words are not sweet, sweet words are not sincere.        |
|                                          Lao Tse, Tao Te King 81 |

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