Eric Hamburg wrote:

>I run a site with a bunch of lists and I want to retain addresses an in some
>lists, while keeping parameter settings (e.g. notifications on
>subscriptions, mod flags, etc., ) but not have any activity, e.g., posting,
>take place/allowed while list is flagged as inactive.

You could just move the listname/ subdirectory out of the lists/
directory. This will render the list effectively non existent, but all
the list settings,membership info and member options will be preserved
in the listname/config.pck file. Public archives will still be
accessable, but private ones won't because the user can't be validated.

To reactivate the list, just move the listname/ directory back into the
lists/ directory.

If your MTA is Exim integrated with Mailman, the list will effectively
disappear and attempted posts, etc. will bounce in the same way as for
a list that never existed.

If your MTA uses aliases, you can leave them in place and attempted
posts, etc. will still bounce with a reason like

  post script, list not found: listname

On the other hand, if your MTA uses aliases, you could just remove the
aliases for the inactive list to prevent posting and other email
access to the list, and replace them when you want to reactivate the

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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