Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Lawrence Bowie wrote:
>> I have users subscribe to a list but yet I always have to approve their 
>> posts 
>> for some reason.
> For what reason? Every hold has a reason, what is this one?
>> And when I do have it accept this address for future posts, it 
>> still emails me to apporove it. Any ideas???
> The check box to accept future posts only applies to non-members.
> I'm guessing that your new members are moderated because Privacy
> options...->Sender filters->default_member_moderation is set to Yes.
> If this is not what you want, set it to No and then on Membership
> Management...->Membership List under Additional Member Tasks - "Set
> everyone's moderation bit, including those members not currently
> visible", select "No" and click "Set".

Thanks for replying.

That has already been done. There is something wrong.

Everyone is subscribed to the list as memebers and they are posting with the 
same email as on the membership list.

Has anyone seen this before. Very weird ...

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