Lawrence Bowie wrote:

>I am having trouble figuring why when a message from a non-member sent to my 
>lists does not immediately bounce back to the sender saying, "You are not a 

If that's what you want, you need to set Privacy options...->Sender
filters->generic_nonmember_action) to Reject.

>Also, I have a lot of held messages in qfiles/*/* and data/*. How can I 
>process those?

The data/heldmsg-<list_name>-*.pck files are messages for list_name
that are waiting moderator approval. Go to the list's admindb page and
accept/reject/discard them as appropriate.

In which qfiles/ directory do you find messages. Other than messages
currently in process, there should only be messages in qfiles/shunt/
and maybe qfiles/retry/. If there are old messages in other queues,
not all your qrunners are running.

Messages in the retry queue are failed deliveries that will be
periodically retried until DELIVERY_RETRY_PERIOD (default 5 days)
elapses. if there are messages older than that, RetryRunner isn't

Messages in the shunt queue were placed there because of some error
which will have been logged in the 'error' log. They can be
reprocessed with bin/unshunt, but if the underlying error hasn't been
addressed, they will just be shunted again.

Also bin/dumpdb and bin/show_qfiles are useful for looking at these

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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