Edith wrote:
>I have a subscriber who has not been receiving his digest for several weeks.
>He said he has checked and it is not blocked from his end.  I unsubscribed
>him and resubscribed him but he still isn't receiving digests.

If this is only one subscriber and the list is working normally for
others including other digest subscribers, then it is almost certainly
a mail delivery problem outside of Mailman.

To diagnose the problem, you need to look at things like Mailman's
'bounce' and 'smtp-failure' logs and the logs of the outgoing MTA. If
your Mailman is hosted somewhere, this is something the hosting
provider would have to do.

Even the above logs may not reveal any problem as the mail may be
blocked or discarded, regardless of what his ISP told him, without
notice back to the sender.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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