At 21:07 -0500 4/29/06, Brad Knowles wrote:
>At 4:24 PM -0700 2006-04-29, Allan Hansen wrote:
>>  May I suggest that you get hold of
>>  Mac OS X Server and install that on you server instead. It comes
>>  with Mailman already installed and ready to go. It has a lot of other
>>  tools pre-installed that will be very useful to you. The Mac is
>>  a great platform for servers.
>       Using MacOS X Server is not necessarily the best idea if using 
>Mailman is your goal.  See 
>for more information, especially the links at the end.
>       It appears that most people who want to use Mailman on MacOS X 
>Server end up ripping out the Apple-supplied custom version and 
>instead installing the standard version from our tarballs.  If you're 
>going to go that route, you might as well do that on MacOS X Client 
>as opposed to spending lots of extra money for MacOS X Server.

I agree that the Server Admin interface for Mailman is limited and
too buggy to be of serious use. It can, however, allow someone new to the
OS set up Mailman lists with not much ado, which was the situation at
hand, Brad. Installing Mailman and other attendant server tools (in
particular) is not, I believe a newbie's best path. Solutions should 
be tailored to the problems presented.

Once Mailman is up and running, the administrator should, of course switch to
web/command line tools. I have (so far) been successful setting up
a workable system that allows my moderators to subscribe and unsubscribe
and set member options. I run some close to 40 lists - granted not
many but plenty to handle anyway.

The server, lastly, does not cost lots of extra money for what you get.
It's well worth it if you don't plan to be a full-time administrator.

| Allan Hansen, Ph.D.                                             |
|    P.O. Box 2423, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.                     |
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| Phone: +1-714/952-6015             +1-714/875-8870              |
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|_Anything is possible with the right tools and right information_|
| Allan Hansen, Ph.D.                                             |
|    P.O. Box 2423, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.                     |
|                                                                 |
| Work:                              Home:                        |
| Phone: +1-714/952-6015             +1-714/875-8870              |
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|_Anything is possible with the right tools and right information_|
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