>  oes not recognize back to the MTA machine (A).  Thus, the message is 
> redirected back
> to the MTA without hitting Mailman.  I have added the aliases in the 
> /etc/aliases file (i.e.
> testlist: |/usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman post testlist) and even have added 
> entries in the
> virtualusertable (i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED] testlist).  I added a single entry 
> to the
> mailertable (domain.com mailhost:localhost.domainpriv.com).

Did you rebuild the aliases file and/or restart Sendmail after making
these changes? To the messages arrive at Sendmail with an @domain.gov
address, or @domainpriv.gov? Is sendmail set to accept whichever one
is appropriate as a local delivery address?

- Patrick Bogen
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