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On Sep 18, 2006, at 12:26 PM, JC Dill wrote:

> If Barry wants to let the list be gatewayed to gmane and usenet  
> over our objections, he is certainly entitled to do that.  It will  
> also mean that he will need new people to help manage the various  
> lists that Brad and I help manage because I'm with Brad on this -  
> gateway to gmane without even asking my opinion and I'm no longer  
> interested in helping manage the list.  We (the people on mailman- 
> users-owner who do the lion's share of the work in managing the  
> lists) deserve to be consulted and have our opinions heard on this  
> matter.

JC (and Brad) are absolutely right, and I hereby publicly apologize  
for usurping their roles.  I highly value both their contributions as  
list managers, and since both are opposed to gatewaying to Gmane  
under the current conditions, I retract my earlier endorsement.

I think that if Gmane were to address the issues that Brad and JC  
have raised about their operations, then it would be worth  
reconsidering.  I'll leave the final decision up to them and won't  
stick my nose in unless specifically asked to (and even then, not  
until the current bleeding stops :).  I don't expect them to lobby  
Gmane to address their complaints, but perhaps those of you who would  
like to see Gmane gateways for the Mailman lists can forward those  
concerns on to Lars and company.

On a personal note, I've re-enabled my subscription to mailman-users  
after a very long hiatus.  I still don't expect to be able to keep up  
with the traffic, so I'll mostly lurk unless there's some specific  
issue that I think needs a definitive pronouncement.  And next time,  
I'll try harder not to be a dumbass. ;)

- -Barry

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