Barry Cisna wrote:

>Below is a copy paste of the mail log on the actual MM server.
>Is the "mailer=local" corrrect?

>to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, delay=00:00:02, xdelay=00:00:02,
>mailer=local, pri=86494, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent

This is from the MTA log, thus the message was delivered from Mailman
to this MTA and this MTA delivered it somewhere - perhaps a local
mailbox, have you checked?

>I have copyed pasted aliases into /etc/aliases,,,run "newaliases...

Mailman's aliases have to do with delivery of incoming mail to Mailman,
not sending from Mailman.

>There uis surely a built in "tester" in MM to replicte a sent email to
>MM,then the sendout to list members,but i cant find it?

You can use bin/inject to place a message in Mailman's 'in' queue, but
look in Mailman's 'smtp' log. Do you see outgoing messages there? It
seems that Mailman is delivering the mail to the outgoing MTA. What
happens to it after that is an MTA issue, not a Mailman issue.

>Below is a cpoy from the mail server that MM resides on. I NEVER see any
>listing on the actual mail server that this is sending to, though
>MM 2.18  Fedora COre 5  sendmail

>to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, delay=00:00:02, xdelay=00:00:02,
>mailer=local, pri=86494, dsn=2.0.0, stat=Sent

If I understand correctly, Mailman is delivering to sendmail on the
local machine, sendmail is sending the mail somewhere as evidenced by
the above log entry, but the mail isn't getting to the end recipient.
This would seem to be an issue with the local sendmail. It sent the
mail somewhere.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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