Quoting Mark Sapiro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Paul Tomblin wrote:
> >
> >Nope, I checked that - partyhats/config.pck looks fine, as does
> >techhats/config.pck.
> >
> >> >I've shut down all my lists, but how do I fix this?
> Did you either 'restart' or 'stop' and 'start' mailman before 'shutting
> down'?

/etc/init.d/mailman stop

> Actually, I don't see how it is possible that the web admin interface
> would show data different from the config.pck unless the underlying
> file system is somehow broken.

The config.db was fine, but the config.pck *was* corrupted.  Or rather, it
appeared to be a copy of another lists, since doing a "list_members" on
both lists returned the same list.

Very odd.

Paul Tomblin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://blog.xcski.com/
I did volunteer EMS as recovery from sysadmining, then
I did sysadmining to recover from volunteer EMS.
              -- random
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