Quoting Mark Sapiro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Paul Tomblin wrote:
> >The config.db was fine, but the config.pck *was* corrupted.  Or rather, it
> >appeared to be a copy of another lists, since doing a "list_members" on
> >both lists returned the same list.
> And yes, your symptom seemed to be the result of a config.pck having
> been replaced somehow with that of another list. I don't know how that
> could have happened, but at this point you need to find the most
> recent backup of a good config.pck.

Yeah, I found one from a few weeks ago.  A few weeks ago I started backing
up to a new external USB disk, and on Sunday that disk crashed so I have
no recent backups.

Yesterday when I was rebuilding the archives for this machine, it got
extremely low on memory, and I guess that did something.  This is my first
experiment with Xen and LVM, and so far I'm not impressed.

Paul Tomblin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://blog.xcski.com/
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any obscure Jedi mind-tricks.             -- Anthony de Boer
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