Ivan Van Laningham wrote:

>I just ran across this proposal from Yahoo:
>I was examining headers from some yahoogroup email for reasons having to 
>do with non-delivery when I ran across the domainkey header.
>Has anyone on the list given any thought to it?  Is it a Good Thing(tm)? 
>  Or yet another way for Yahoo to try to dominate the planet?
>There's a qmail patch available, which is what I'm using, and I wonder 
>if there would be Mailman integration issues?  I assume that an 
>unmodified Mailman installation would ignore the domainkey header.

See the threads with subject "dkim-signature headers" at

Executive summary:

Mailman currently removes DomainKey-Signature: and DKIM-Signature:
headers from posts and from mail to the -owner address. This is
probably not the right thing to do. Beginning in Mailman 2.1.10, the
removal of these headers will be controlled by a mm_cfg.py option with
the default being to not remove them.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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