Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Mohamed CHAARI wrote:
>> I'm using Mailman for lists management, in a collaboration 
>> infrastructure site.
>> I configured Mailman so that an external archiver is used, but I 
>> hesitate to run this archiver in background or foreground.
>> More concretely, in conf file, should I put:
>> PUBLIC_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER = 'cat > /var/run/mailman/mail_tmp; 
>> /usr/local/bin/external_arch %(listname)s'
>> or
>> PUBLIC_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER = 'cat > /var/run/mailman/mail_tmp; 
>> /usr/local/bin/external_arch %(listname)s &'
>> What do you recommend ? is there a difference, in terms of performance ?
>> Is there a risk of system overload, for one of the 2 solutions, when 
>> dealing with too big archives ? (I have some archives exceeding 50 M)
> The size of the archive is only going to influence
> /usr/local/bin/external_arch whatever that is. Its performance/run
> time may or may not depend on the size of the archive.
> There are potential issues either way (forground or background). The
> external archiver command is run with the list locked. This is both
> good and bad. It eliminates any potential race condition which might
> overwrite /var/run/mailman/mail_tmp with a second message before the
> first message is processed, at least if only one list is involved, but
> it may keep the list locked for a long time if the external_arch
> process is slow. In addition, if the external_arch shoud do something
> that locks the list, a deadlock results.
> See
> <>.

you mentioned, in the thread above (Aug 2005), that it would be better 
to have a unique temporary file, to avoid conflict problems ...
I've tried this, in, using unix timestamp

PUBLIC_EXTERNAL_ARCHIVER = 'cat > /var/run/mailman/mail_tmp.$(date +%s); 
/usr/local/bin/ %(listname)s &'

but without success.
is there a way to do it ? should I use Python functions to get unix 
timestamp for current date ?


--Mohamed CHAARI   (mailto : [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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