Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2007 13:35:56 -0600
   From: Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   On 12/7/07, Vinita Aggarwal wrote:
   >  Now, I am getting everyday about 100s of spam emails in that list. Please
   >  advise how to deal with this?

   Mailman doesn't have great tools for this.  Instead, you should 
   configure your mail server to reject or discard the spam messages 
   before they ever get to Mailman.

Any ideas how to do this when your ISP is hosting Mailman?  

As soon as they finish mass subscribing my address list, my domain name
list address will be active with MM and it gets HUNDREDS of spams a day.
Since I can't run them through SpamAssasin (that my ISP runs) (with
majordomo, msgs sent for moderation have MD headers so you can't check for
false positives without opening each msg), I use procmail to get rid of the
worst of the spam.

With the migration, I won't be able to use procmail anymore.  And SA won't
be an option either.  I'll be slowly unmoderating most of my list members
but many will have to be on moderation for life.  And their posts will be
mixed in with all the spam on the web interface.

I can ban the spammer's addresses through the interface, and even put some
key spam phrases into the interface, but it won't help much.

I've asked in my ISP's usenet group for Mailman and got no answers.


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