Jewel Makda wrote:

>I have a questions and am hoping someone can explain it to me.  I run 
>backups on the lists on my Mailman server. One of the directories I tar 
>up is:
>The size of the tar file was about 34KB every week.  All of a sudden 
>when I ran my last backup it was 7KB.  The only change I made was I 
>changed my cron file to send digests out daily, before this was disabled 
>and digests were only being sent out when they reached their size. Could 
>this be the cause of the small tar file since digests are now going out 


The messages for the next digest are stored in
lists/listname/digest.mbox. When you were triggering digests on size
only, these files were averaging half their max size. Now that you are
sending digests daily, they are smaller.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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