On May 30, 2008, at 11:00 AM, David Newman wrote:

On 5/30/08 4:35 AM, Larry Stone wrote:
On 5/29/08 11:37 PM, Jim Popovitch at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 12:18 AM, David Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >
Hmmm. I must be missing something, as the system is still associating each
Message-ID with all 250 list subscribers.
VERP has nothing to do with Message-ID, and everything to do with
Return-Path and Sender:   ;-)
With VERP and personalization, the Return-Path, instead of being
I think you said you're using Postfix in which case you need
"recipient_delimiter = +" in your main.cf so it knows about the plus signs
in the return paths.

ACK. Yes, that's in main.cf.

When you then get the AOL TOS e-mail, you can figure out who the list
recipient was as while AOL redacts the AOL recipient, they don't touch the

I wish this were true, but it appears AOL gets to the Return-Path too:

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

So neither Return-ID nor Message-ID identifies who's complaining.

But...this might be something. The next message header contains an ESMTP ID that corresponds with exactly one AOL user in maillog:

Received: from rly-mh07.mx.aol.com (rly-mh07.mail.aol.com []) by air-mh02.mail.aol.com (v121.4) with ESMTP id MAILINMH024-be4483f8d3acf; Fri, 30 May 2008 01:14:45 -0400 Received: from mail.somedomain.com (mail.somedomain.com [666.666.666.666]) by rly-mh07.mx.aol.com (v121.5) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYINMH074-be4483f8d3acf; Fri, 30 May 2008 01:14:35 -0400
Received: from localhost (localhost [])
        by mail.somedomain.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id B55685B31C0
        for <redacted>; Thu, 29 May 2008 22:14:34 -0000 (UTC)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:log# grep -i B55685B31C0 /var/log/maillog

May 29 22:14:34 mail postfix/smtpd[25785]: B55685B31C0: client=localhost[] May 29 22:14:34 mail postfix/cleanup[21262]: B55685B31C0: message- id=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> May 29 22:14:34 mail postfix/qmgr[23040]: B55685B31C0: from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED] >, size=13344, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

Given the above, is "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" the subscriber that's complaining? Or is it just a coincidence that that AOL user got listed first?

Ostensibly, AOL does this to prevent listwashing, but it's not exactly helpful. I think AOL strips out a lot of the message headers in the TOS reports, so you don't get all of the Received headers and message- ids. How I dealt with it is that I made a custom footer in the VERP configuration that says something like:

This e-mail was delivered to foobar at aol.com

I suppose that it would be better if you could somehow stick that in to a hash that only you could decipher, especially if AOL decides at some point to strip all e-mail addresses out of the messages, but it's better than nothing.

That shows up in the TOS messages, I stuff them all into a mailbox and then have a script that grabs the addresses from the footer and unsubscribes those addresses.

I also got some good advice I think from someone on this list to put a "gentle reminder" at the top of each message with the unsub links etc right there. It says something like "You are receiving this message because you subscribed to the blah blah newsletter on the example.com website."

Also, maybe you are already doing this, but a gentle reminder for you that may help with these AOL reports, you should absolutely require people to confirm their subscription and not just add them to the mailing list, even if they provided their e-mail address some other way for example filled out a comment card at an event. If people can't be bothered to confirm their subscription, then they can't be bothered to follow the instructions to unsubscribe either and will just click the "Report Spam" button when they no longer wish to receive the newsletter. Things used to be different, but now days failing to confirm subscriptions can get you blacklisted, and even your website taken offline. That actually happened to someone who ignored my insistence that they should require confirmations, arguing that it would be "too difficult" for their newsletter subscribers.

many thanks


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