Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

Yeah, somebody actually said that, but they really meant the
Return-Path.  Changing Message-ID on regular posts would violate RFC
2822.  Message-ID ids the content, not the medium, and is an author
header: intermediate senders like Mailman must not touch it.

IIRC, when you enable Full Personalization, enough changes are made to the message that it ends up being considered a completely new message, and therefore a new message-id is created. Same for list anonymization.

Certainly, when you turn on personalization, you can enable certain values to be used in the footer of each message being sent out that will tell you the original e-mail address that it was addressed to, and if the redacting covers only the headers and not the footer, then you might see that.

But either way, even you turn on just regular personalization and don't make any modifications to the message, you will get unique queue-ids that you can work with and compare against data in your logs.

Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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