Michael Kabot wrote:
>My apologies, I should have noted that 
> - I have Bounce Processing turned off
> - I have the -bounces address forwarding to the -owner address.  With
>Bounce Processing off I still needed bounce messages to go back to the list
>     |/var/qmail/bin/preline /var/qmail/bin/mm_wrapper
>       owner [LISTNAME]


>Neither [RIGHTDOMAIN.COM] or [WRONGDOMAIN.COM] are the domain of the
>'mailman' site list.  [WRONGDOMAIN.COM] is coincidentally the last
>add_virtualhost line of my config file.
>Where in the code are these being added to the -owner address?

The scripts/owner script which receives mail addressed to -owner sets


(this is in Mailman/Utils.py). This in turn gets the domain part of the
address in a complex way (see Utils.get_domain()), but in this case,
it boils down to

  - look up the corresponding email host in mm_cfg.VIRTUAL_HOSTS
    (the dictionary built by add_virtualhost())

So it looks like you probably have more that one add_virtualhost()
entry with the same url_host argument (either DEFAULT_URL_HOST or its
literal value.

This doesn't work. VIRTUAL_HOSTS is a Python dictionary (hash table)
with key = the first add_virtualhost() argument and value = the second.

So, if you have something equivalent to

add_virtualhost('www.example.com', 'example.com')
add_virtualhost('www.example.com', 'example.net')

the second entry replaces the first.

All url_hosts and all email hosts in

add_virtualhost(url_host, email_host)

lines need to be unique for it to work as intended.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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