Don Hone wrote:

>When I add a new list via the CLI, I must enter a password and it is sent 
>in the email to the list admin:
>       The mailing list `cgilist' has just been created for you.
>       The following is some basic information about your
>       mailing list.
>       Your mailing list password is:
>            XXXXXXXXX
>The new list owner can change the password via the web page if that is 
>easier for them. It would be easier for me to not have to ask for a 
>password from the list admin for every list I create.

When I create a list and the requestor has not provided me a password,
I create one and let the new list owner change it if he/she desires.

And on the same subject Brad Knowles wrote in reply to my previous

>When you create a list from the WebUI, you have the option of having  
>Mailman generate the password itself, in which case it will get  
>included in the e-mail message that is sent to the listowner.
>The CLI interface is not going to auto-generate that e-mail message,  
>so by default it is not going to auto-generate that password either.

I do not create lists via the WebUI, as that will create a list with
default parameters, and then I would have to tailor the parms to
meet the needs of the requestor.  I can't always assume that the
requestor will be able to change the correct parms for his/her needs.
There are a huge number of list parameters, and changing the wrong
parm or using an incorrect value for the correct parm can cause
great damage to the list cofig.

I have 21 base list configs.  Fifteen of these are a 3x5 matrix of lists
based on sub/unsub options (3) and who is allowed to post (5).  The
other six configs are for specialty lists.  When someone requests a 
list he/she tells me what type of list, so I know what base
config file to use.  I then copy that base file, modify

     archive info (Y/N public/private)

and run a script that creates the list from the config file.
Barry S. Finkel
Computing and Information Systems Division
Argonne National Laboratory          Phone:    +1 (630) 252-7277
9700 South Cass Avenue               Facsimile:+1 (630) 252-4601
Building 222, Room D209              Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Argonne, IL   60439-4828             IBMMAIL:  I1004994

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