Nitin Bhadauria wrote:
>One of my list with 6000 users is not sending mail to all the users of a 
>same domain, I search over the logs of postfix and the only error i 
>found is some of the user on the domain are not accepting the mails........
>reply: '550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in 
>virtual mailbox table\r\n'
>reply: retcode (550); Msg: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Recipient address rejected: 
>User unknown in virtual mailbox table

And do you see mail being accepted for the users who don't receive it.

The most likely cause of this is the recipient domain is accepting the
mail and then discarding it as spam (or delivering it to the users'
spam or bulk folders). See the FAQ at <>.

>Is it possible that mailman is not sending mails to all the users on the 
>domain or mails are send domain wise so all the mail stuck. Any way i 
>didn't find any thing in the qfiles.

and followed up:

>When i check the qfiles they are empty but if i restart mailman it start 
>sending all pending mails again is that any where else mailman store 
>pending mails request ...


As far as the main delivery path is concerned, incoming mail is placed
in a queue entry in qfiles/in. That queue entry is picked up by
IncomingRunner and is processed through a pipeline of handlers and
ultimately queued in qfiles/out for delivery. That entry is picked up
by OutgoingRunner which delivers messages with from one to hundreds of
recipients via SMTP to your Postfix. At that point (after delivery is
complete), it writes the 'post' log entry and the 'smtp' log entry
(<message-id> smtp to list for nnn recips, completed in nn.nnn

When the above log entry is written, the mail has all been passed to
Postfix and is no longer in Mailman except for things like archives
and digests. If any SMTP errors occur between Mailman and Postfix,
they are logged in 'smtp-failure' and if retryable, the message with
the failed recipient list is queued in qfiles/retry where it will be
picked up by RetryRunner and requed in qfiles/out after a delay.

If there are no files in qfiles/in/, qfiles/out/ or qfiles/retry,
Mailman is done with message delivery, and it's all in Postfix.
Restarting Mailman can't affect that message unless it is being
processed by a runner at the time of restart in which case, there may
be a .bak file in a queue which will be reprocessed when Mailman

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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