Scott Race wrote:

>Now just hit one more slight snag, can no longer create new lists on the
>Fails with the Bug in Mailman version 2.1.5 - We're sorry, we hit a bug!
>/var/log/mailman error shows:
>admin(14722): RuntimeError: command failed: /usr/sbin/postmap
>/etc/mailman/virtual-mailman (status: 1, Operation not permitted)
>I noticed that apache is now trying to own the virtual-mailman file in
>/etc/mailman, didn't notice that before.  Changing the ownership to
>root:mailman doesn't work, when trying to create a list it fails and
>apache takes ownership back.

The owner doesn't matter except the owner of aliases.db probably needs
to be 'mailman'. the other owners (aliases, virtual-mailman and
virtual-mailman.db don't matter.

What does matter is /etc/mailman needs to be group mailman and g+rws
and all four of aliases, aliases.db, virtual-mailman and
virtual-mailman.db need to be group mailman and g+rw.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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