Thanks for the clarifications, Mark. I had actually forgotten that the way I
formatted the Virtual_Hosts line was equivalent to providing individual
add_virtualhost lines. So, you undoubtedly saved me some grief there. 

Those few lines you see in my apache-postfix-mailman setup files only took
me a week to figure out through web research and trial and error without
pestering you for help. You were so helpful and generous with your support
in June and July, I didn't want to show up at your door with hat in hand
expecting you to lead me by the nose through this setup as well.

As far as the apache config goes, I deliberately opted to put the mailman
commands in individual virtual host files because I don't necessarily plan
to make mailman available to every domain on my server until I've learned
more about how its setup needs to work. For that reason (and since the
Debian definition readily supports it, I chose to install the mailman
definitions domain-by-domain rather than place them at a higher level in the
Apache Definitions and grant them automatically to ALL domains.

And yes, for the record, you're right. I realize these lines:

>        <Directory "/usr/local/mailman/archives/private/">
>#                AddDefaultCharset Off
>        </Directory>

do nothing at the moment. I included them as a reminder to myself that
additional definitions that involve a single mailman domain CAN be included
in Apache's VirtualHost definition files. I believe the post where I found
those example lines recommended adding them as part of a solution designed
to support multiple character sets and languages. As I recall, there may
also need to be an appropriate character set defined for EACH language as
well. In short I retained those lines as a form of reminder -- a "footprint
in the sand" if you will.

As always, thanks for your thoughtful, wise and astute guidance, Mark.
Please keep eating your wheaties, friend. I'm afraid mailman would soon be
unusable without your amazing knowledge and insight at the support helm! :-)

Best Professional Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Sapiro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 11:27 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Scott Race'
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman on multiple domains

TGPlatt, WebMaster wrote:
>VIRTUAL_HOSTS = {'':'',
>                 '':'',
>                 '':''}

Just FYI the abbove is EXACTLY eqiivalent to

add_virtualhost('', '')
add_virtualhost('', '')
add_virtualhost('', '')

I.e. all add_virtualhost() does is add an entry to the VIRTUAL_HOSTS
dictionary with key = the first arg and value = the second arg.

>At this point I only have the mailman list for one of these domains
>If I understand the requirements correctly, I will eventually need to add
>"add_virtualhost" lines for 
>add_virtualhost('', '')

Actually, these conflict mildly with what you have. The issue is how
you want to access the web interface for these domains. or . If the former, you want what
you have now or what I indicated was equivalent. If the latter, you
want what you have immediately above, but you probably don't want both.

>Other than those changes which I expect to need to make, the way I have it
>configured now seems to be working. 
>There were also setup requirements in Apache's virtualhost definition files
>too. But the way this is setup is unique on Debian. So I won't try to
>explain it except to say Apache's VirtualHost definition files need these
>lines included:
>## Mailman Setup
>        ScriptAlias /mailman/ /usr/local/mailman/cgi-bin/

Yes, you need the above, but not necessarily in each <VirtualHost>
section. You can have it just once outside of the <VirtualHost>

>        <Directory "/usr/local/mailman/archives/private/">
>#                AddDefaultCharset Off
>        </Directory>

The above 3 lines appear to do nothing.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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