On 04/07/09 10:02, Jones, Scott (GE Money, consultant) wrote:
As I collect incoming emails and then contact information, demographics associated with those sending me email, I'd like to have that other information accessible, not just their email and name.


What would one use to maintain a contact list, with more than just name and email address? Is there any sort of Act or Saleforce for linux platform? I have used SugarCRM, but wonder if there's something more basic.. Something I could run from GUI or from command line.

I don't know of any packages like Act or Saleforce (though I'm sure that something exists). I tend to use Thunderbird's address book (and Sync Kolab) to have this type of information on multiple Linux and Windows systems.

However this is out side the scope of Mailman and as such Mailman will likely never store much more than it is.

Grant. . . .
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