Thank you for the thorough and thoughtful response. I really thought as
much, but wanted to check with the experts--you certainly all seem very
knowledgeable and I appreciate your insights.

On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 9:42 AM, Grant Taylor <>wrote:

> On 04/05/09 08:07, Rasa Isaacson wrote:
>> Our organization wants to set up a mailing list in a very generic fashion.
>>  We would like to list the board members as approved members using the
>> generic emails we have set up:
> So you are wanting to use ""positional addresses, not personal addresses
> (with names).  That in and of its self should be fine.
>  We have a forwarder set up through our website (hosted by
>> Lunarpages--don't know if that matters) that associates the generic email
>> address to the personal email account for the board member, so if a email
>> sent to is received it's forwarded to the
>> appropriate personal account.
> *nod* ... One possible implementation of a typical configuration.
>  Is there something analogous in mailman to associate a personal email
>> account with the generic account on incoming posts to the board? Like an
>> alias, but looking at the "From:" field and translating it to the generic
>> account like
> It sounds to me like you are wanting to translate the From: address of
> messages as they pass through the email system in to Mailman.  I.e.
> translate from:
> To:
> (For the sake of conversation I'm presuming that this is indeed what you
> are wanting.)
> I don't think that Mailman its self has (or should have) the ability to do
> what you are wanting.
> That being said I don't see any reason that you could not put a shim /
> wrapper script in between your mail server and Mailman.  I know that it
> would be entirely possible to throw together some Perl code running a
> Regular Expression to translate barack.obama to president.  I.e.
>   $From =~ m/^To:
>  I hope this makes sense. Thanks.
> I think I understood what you are wanting to do.  Presuming that I did, the
> short answer is that (to the best of my knowledge) Mailman does not include
> support to do what you want to do and probably should not either.  I think
> you will be much better off doing this out side of Mailman.
> Now, if you are just wanting your board members to be able to send with
> either their personal addresses -OR- their positional addresses all you need
> to do is add both addresses to the mailing list (and set one to not receive
> email) as well as authorizing them to send.
> Grant. . . .
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