Filipe Zanluca Darós wrote:
>The address is not a list. It is just a pop3 email account.
>They do appear in the archives at!
>> Does '' have any eligible recipients (non-digest members
>> with delivery enabled and in some cases not an explicit addressee and
>> not the poster).
>Did not understand what you mean by that. But since I did not add any 
>addresses I am guessing no.

So there is no problem. The post was delivered to the list, accepted,
archived and resent to all zero of the list members. Once there are
some members, they will get it too.

If your confusion is that you think the list owner should have received
something, that is an incorrect thought. The list owner is not a list
member unless explicitly added as a member and therefore does not
receive copies of normal posts just by being the owner.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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