Dear Mailman,

I use your program ver 2.1.11 cp3

The abridged version of my issue is this:

I have a subscriber list of over 2,000 people.  When I send emails thru the 
mailman program, I'm never certain how many of those emails are actually 
successfully received by my list members, and how many simply never get there 
(due to spam filters & server restrictions).

I believe my issue is due to sending out so many emails at one time (the full 
2000).  Is there ANY WAY to send emails out to a specific group of members on 
my list?  For example, mailman alphabetizes list members by name.  Is it not 
possible for me to send email to members A-C  then wait a few hours and send 
D-F  then wait a few hrs more and send to members G-I etc?

Thank you so much for your assistance.

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