>I use your program ver 2.1.11 cp3

Actually, that's not ours, it's cPanel's. See the FAQ at
<> for a bit on the difference.

>The abridged version of my issue is this:
>I have a subscriber list of over 2,000 people.  When I send emails thru the 
>mailman program, I'm never certain how many of those emails are actually 
>successfully received by my list members, and how many simply never get there 
>(due to spam filters & server restrictions).

The FAQ at <> has some suggestions about

>I believe my issue is due to sending out so many emails at one time (the full 
>2000).  Is there ANY WAY to send emails out to a specific group of members on 
>my list?  For example, mailman alphabetizes list members by name.  Is it not 
>possible for me to send email to members A-C  then wait a few hours and send 
>D-F  then wait a few hrs more and send to members G-I etc?

You could break your list into a number of separate sub-lists and post
to those one at a time. Mailman doesn't have a way to limit it's
sending rate. See the FAQ at <>.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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