Robert Moskowitz wrote:

>I have totally rebuilt my system and am trying to 'Do It Right The First 
>Time' (DIRTFT).
>Not quite succeeding.  See below, I am hung up with no 
>This time I 'thought' I had everything together.  I had my 
>configured as before; I had copied it from the system before the 
>reinstall and just overwrote what was there.  I modified 
>/etc/postfix/ as instructed.  I was able to run the:
>/usr/lib/mailman/bin/newlist mailman
>And it created the /etc/mailman/aliases and aliases.db files.  But no 
>virtual-mailman files.  Ooops.  I did not setup a SQL table entry for my 
>virtual host:    I went back and added this to 
>the domain table and ran the
>> Run as root or mailman
>>    /usr/lib/mailman/bin/genaliases
>> to rebuild the aliases and virtual-mailman files from the current
>> config.
>But still no virtual-mailman.

The lack of the virtual host definition in Postfix would have no effect
on whether or not Mailman creates the virtual-mailman file. Mailman
creates virtual-mailman if and only if there is a list or lists with a
host_name that matches one of the POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS

>Also I am not getting the URL 
> to work.  I **THINK** I have 
>properly merged the Amahi template with the mailman.conf files in 
>/etc/httpd/conf.d/  But either I still have it wrong, or the lack of the 
>virtual-mailman files is impacting this as well.

This is strictly a web server configuration issue. it has nothing to do
with virtual-mailman which affects only Postfix.

>So do I delete the mailman list (how?) and try again???

You can delete lists with Mailman's bin/rmlist, but you don't need to.
Once you get correct, you can run bin/genaliases to create
virtual-mailman. If you make changes to DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST, you may
first need to run

  bin/withlist -l -r fix_url mailman

to fix the mailman list's host_name.

>>> VIRTUAL_HOSTS.clear()
>> The above is a problem. It needs to be a sequence of domains, not a
>> single domain. This needs to be fixed before running genaliases. Make
>> it
>> The square brackets are important.
>>> MTA = 'Postfix'

Did you make the above change to POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS? If not,
that explains the lack of virtual-mailman.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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