I have now upgraded to mailman 2.1.14 (to run on suse 11.3 with bundled python 2.6) and it runs nicely.

The help text for accept_these_nonmembers says

Add member addresses one per line; start the line with a ^ character to designate a regular expression match. A line consisting of the @ character followed by a list name specifies another Mailman list in this installation, all of whose member addresses will be accepted for this list.

I succeed (not surprisingly, I tested this already on other installations) using regex. E.g. to allow posting to any list from root of any machine (which is exposed) this works


I cannot manage to have the @ notation working though.

I am testing this with two lists, pseudoastro of which I'm the only member, and pseudotecno (with a colleague as member, and me as non member). Ideally I'd want to set up a list as template and then work for all others (we will have some 6 DISJOINCT lists with categories of our staff, we want to be able that members of each can post to any other [and in addition to set up some umbrella lists])



fails at web level entry (Error: Invalid value for variable: accept_these_nonmembers)

Notation (with a blank between @ and list name)
@ pseudoastro
@ pseudotecno

gives an entry in the error log

 *_these_nonmembers in pseudotecno references non-existent list  pseudoastro
 *_these_nonmembers in pseudotecno references non-existent list  pseudotecno

I tried capitalizing the first letter, adding the host and domain, using
a notation list_host.domain (according to a posting found on the net), but in all cases I get the "non-existent list" error !!

What's the correct syntax ?

(and by the way ... are those checks to be considered effective as antispam measures ? do they just use the value of the header From field (which can be faked) or use info from the SMTP dialogue ?

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info : http://www.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~lucio/personal.html
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