On Tue, 12 Apr 2011, Mark Sapiro wrote:
Lucio Chiappetti wrote:

Only I noticed that nesting of sibling lists is not allowed (it does not work as expected).

The sibling list feature, regular_include_lists and
regular_exclude_lists does not work as you expect because it only
affects recipients of posts to 'this list'.

Now all is clear

I have added a note about only one level of inclusion to the FAQ at


The important thing is that one can make things work as it should creating

  umb1 with siblings listA listB
  umb2 with siblings listA listB listC

this is equivalent to umb2 = umb1 + listC (which won't work). Since the definition is done only once there is no different effort required in setting up things with nesting or with flat one-level arrangement.

Mailman is so smart that when sending to pseudoi send just to A,B and C and removes the duplicate to A+x. Great !

I don't think Mailman did this. Possibly it was the MTA or your MUA that dropped one of the (A, A+x) recipients, but I don't think Mailman will.

The MUA could not have done that since it was unaware of the addresses (they were just list members). I verified (outside of mailman) that it is our MTA (sendmail) which does that, and it does it while sending. Subaddresses are preserved in the header if they were included (true for a "plain" sending, not true for a mailman sending). Since we use the same sendmail.cf on all our machines, this is fine for us.
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