
First, do not hijack threads.

On Mon, 2012-04-16 at 14:02 +0200, Gulyás Krisztián wrote:
> I would like to send html-formatted e-mails to my customers through mailman
> mailing list. I would like to know of each recepients whether they've read
> my letter or not. If I use Delivery or read receipts, the recepient can
> decide he / she sends me the receipts or not. But I need this information in
> all cases.

Are you building lists of actually read email addresses?
Guess what I'm thinking right now .....

> Have you any ideas?

Generally, don't do it because just someone "opened" the mail, it
doesn't imply that s/he read it. And reading it doesn't imply the s/he
understands it.
So what do you want to do with that information?

> I would use an image tag for it, with an online source. The source would be
> a php webpage and variables (letter id, recepient id) would be given to that
> page by the letter (or Outlook, etc.) For example: <img
> src='http://exapmle.com/?u=%userid%&l=%letterid%' alt="" width="1"
> height="1"> When a user opens my letter, the php page would receive these
> variables and it would store the "opened" information in a database by the
> letter and recepient id.

Some people (including me) do not read HTML-Mails (but only plain/text),
also for that reason.

Kind regards,
Bernd Petrovitsch                  Email : be...@petrovitsch.priv.at
                     LUGA : http://www.luga.at

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