Geoff Shang wrote:
>I've done several Mailman installs under Debian and Ubuntu and have had 
>minimal problems.  The key in my opinion is to look at the installation 
>guide and make sure you actually do everything that's listed there that's 
>appropriate.  It's easy enough to assume that a lot of what you need to do 
>regarding setup will be done for you when you install a package, but this 
>isn't really the case with Mailman (by necessity).

That sounds good, but evidently, judging from the number of
Debian/Ubuntu packge users who come to this list with mail delivery
issues because they have ended up with some Postfix configuration that
combines Mailman aliases and in incompatible
ways, people don't look at the Debian documentation. They look at our
installation manual or some incompatible web HowTo and wind up with a

I wish they all would read and comprehend the FAQ at

And, while I'm wishing, sometimes I wish I were less compulsive about
this and could just refer them to that FAQ and forget about it.

>ONe of the reasons why installing from source is not exactly 
>straight-forward is that Debian has conventions for things like the user 
>accounts used for specific things.  If you're going to compile Mailman 
>from source on a Debian-based system, you'll need to either undermine a 
>lot of other things, or supply the appropriate configure flags so that 
>Mailman uses the accounts that Debian uses.

Which, along with, is a large part of why people
should heed the above FAQ.

>There were some other bits and pieces specific to the multiple hosts 
>aspect of it.  IN particular, there was a patch I was applying to add the 
>domain as a suffix so that the same list name could be used across 
>domains.  I'm not sure if that patch is now the virtual hosts branch or if 
>it's something else.

If the patches are those referred to at
the branch at <> is
based on those but includes several updates and fixes.

If they are from <>, they
are someone elses work.

>All this was a product of many days of slavery and lots of helpful advice 
>from this list, which you can read at the following threads (don't know 
>why they split):

You actually missed one:

The reason the thread is split is you were initially moderated. Your
replies to my posts were Cc'd to me, and my replies to those reached
the list before your replies were approved and reached the list.
Pipermail threading sometimes fails if the referenced message
(In-Reply-To: or References:) is not in the Pipermail archive at the
time the referencing message is archived.

Mark Sapiro <>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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