
For the record the following URL is of interest


This clearly makes the point that spam is defined by two factors

"A message is Spam only if it is both Unsolicited and Bulk"

and being who they are their definition must carry some weight. In terms
of their definition my mailing was not spam. Still, and I think Stephen
made the point, there is also the consideration of good business
practice to be considered.

over & out for tonight.


On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 09:39:44AM +0200, Anne Wainwright wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently sent an invite to an unknown third party. The invite came
> from my mailman list, we gave full particulars of who and where we are.
> We specifically advise that they are not at this stage subscribed to
> anything and will have to follow the detailed instructions (ie confirm)
> if they want to join the list. The third party is in the same trade as
> us, and deals with the same specialities, a third party customer had
> given me their address in good faith.
> This week my ISP contacts me with an upstream request from the national
> backbone provider to in effect desist from sending spam.
> Looking at the email returned, it was to an @yahoo address,  spamcop
> seems to have detected spam on the basis of it being a mailman message,
> I am not certain that it was not initiated by the recipient but the
> official complaint originated from yahoo it seems (who should surely
> know better).
> Subject: [] Yahoo Abuse Report - FW:confirm
> 3a35c56b531368da533112d96a9cb24c17cf6961
> As I said in my reply, this is hardly spam, I did not send it out to
> half a million addresses purchased on a cd. This makes a mockery of
> genuine spam prevention efforts when one email from a genuine address
> can be allowed to cause this. It 
> I don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill, but what can I do
> about this. Is this a common occurence? Are invites from mailman now
> considered fair game for spam detection software and humans alike?
> bestest
> Anne
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