<<  On 5/19/2012 10:46 AM, Richard Damon wrote:

I will point out that from the recipients point of view, a mailman
invite looks to be "Bulk", they have no way to know if you sent it
specifically to them or to a large list.


One way around this is rather than us the mailman invite feature, write
a personal email where you "invite" the person to subscribe, giving the
url of the subscription page as a pointer.>>

Even tho I'm with a cPanel instal by serious "dumb" luck I having been
doing exactly that for over a decade since I started my 1st List which
was actually "begged" for  ;-)  by a bunch of folks on another Public List
which did/does not allow attachments.  I have no clue as to why I didn't
just Mass Subscribe.  I sent out Personal Invites with the Subscribe
URL.  Something about the Mass Sub. just didn't "feel" right.

<<  While you can't prevent someone from pressing the "This is spam"

I have just about reached the "breaking point" and maybe one (1) more
and I'm gonna ban AOL (Yahoo not far behind these days) users.

<<  if you have done some pre-vetting to be sure the person is likely
interested, and made the message clearly personal and not bulk, will
minimize the chances of them doing so.>>

Absolutely agreed, Richard ! !  Thank you for posting something in this
thread that applies to MM Users such as myself who ARE stuck behind
cPanel  :-[     :-)  ! !

Please visit MY site at:

PS:  Anyone interested in a slow ( 3- 4 /day) "Joke List" by MM, please
drop me a note  :-)   ! !   Ooops, and/or a small Political List (Poly Sci101).

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