On 5/29/2012 4:23 PM, Drew Tenenholz wrote:
All --

Sorry if this has been answered before, I don't have the time to go through the 
archives at the moment.

Mailman 2.1.9/Red Hat Linux

When migrating tens of thousands of users form an ancient Majordomo system to a 
new Mailman system, can I set the users' passwords when I upload their 
addresses from a text file?

Can I change the automatically created passwords?

We have a pretty slick PHP-driven site to manage subscriptions to about 10-15 
lists, and I always set the user's password for them, so they don't have to 
deal with it.  They like it, and I like it.  This works fine for individual 
subscription requests, as the email command I send on their behalf includes a 
unitary password.

Can I achieve the same result as I mass subscribe them?

-- Drew Tenenholz

When I was managing a Mailman installation, management (and I) concluded that we would do nothing with passwords. Users did not need passwords (except in the rare case they wanted to view archives or change their mail delivery settings). And if a user needed his/her password, it was very easy to have Mailman send it. I never had a problem with
Mailman users and passwords.
--Barry Finkel
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