On 1/14/14, 2:23 PM, Richard wrote:
> ...I should have clarified: Her key problem seems to be moving from a
> screen where she used her Moderator password to successfully log in,
> to the "administrator interface". It asks her for the administrator
> password.
> How is she supposed to manage subscriptions if she can't log in to the
> administrator interface?
> Thanks...
> RT
Moderators only have access to the "Pending Moderator Request" page.
>From there they can approve/reject/discard posts made to the list and
held. While they are doing this, they can also remove the moderation
flag from a user whose post has been held, or add non-subscribers to the
auto-approval or auto-reject lists or ban them from subscribing.

These are the powers of a moderator.

"Managing Subscriptions" is an administrator duty in Mailman.

Richard Damon

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