On 06/16/2014 10:10 AM, Bryan Wright wrote:
> Could we not send the message out as usual, then on a p=reject bounce, 
> forward the original message (so it comes from the mailing list) along with 
> an explanation of what is transpiring to the bounced user, plus to the 
> message author?  Maybe include a note suggesting the author change mail 
> providers.  This way if the message author's domain causes 20 bounces, they 
> get 20 messages letting them know they need to change mail providers.

Aside from the fact that this would be a real kludge to implement,
inundating the message author who is in a very real sense an innocent
victim of his ESPs policy with this kind of backscatter is unacceptable.

Note that on April 4, one post to one of my lists From: a yahoo.com
address which was sent to only 236 individual message subscribers was
bounced by 90 of them. Of those 90 bounces, I'm not sure how many I
could identify reliably as DMARC bounces without just assuming they were
because the From: domain published a DMARC p=reject policy. But, my
point is close to 40% of the list member's ESPs honored the p=reject
policy. YMMV, but that's a lot of extra handling.

While the idea of identifying a DMARC bounce and "forwarding" the
original post to the bounced recipient wrapped in some boilerplate about
the need to do so has some appeal, I think the implementation would be
too messy to contemplate. If you wish to try, the code is at
<https://code.launchpad.net/~mailman-coders/mailman/2.1> aka 'bzr branch

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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