On Wed, 17 Dec 2014, Peter Shute wrote:

On 17 Dec 2014, at 8:58 pm, Lucio Chiappetti wrote:

I am subscribed in MIME digest mode to all lists which support them. I
find they are a great way to receive messages once per day (more or less)
without being pestered by single messages as they come.

So you have found a way to bypass the digest and pestering me ! :-)

this splits the digest into a mail folder.

So this breaks the digest into separate emails? Wouldn't it be simpler to have a message rule that diverts the individual emails into a folder on arrival instead of using digest mode? Or doesn't Alpine support that kind of thing?

technically speaking, "on arrival" pertains to a mail delivery agent, and not to a MUA, which may operate when first entered by the user.

Perhaps it is possible to use Alpine "filter rules", but I never tried them and am not familiar with them.

On the other hand formail is part of procmail, which IS a delivery agent (actually on my SuSE it is the default delivery agent of sendmail). Any "filtering on arrival" can be more or less easily done with procmail.
I do an extensive use of it http://sax.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~lucio/Procmail/

So you could do what you propose straight with procmail !

It is mainly a matter of user preferences (YMMV ?)

I do divert some specific messages to specific folders, seminar announcements for one, and different level of spam for another.

Concerning mailing lists, I consider them of a more transient nature, I am not interested in keeping their messages "forever". So the MIME digest mechanism is fine insofar I want to receive all messages of the day at one moment. Then I usually look at the list of messages (almost all digests I know, notably the ones generated by mailman, have a list of subjects close to the top) ... if I see no subjects which interest me I just delete the entire digest. If I see something interesting, I press D, expand in a temporary folder, read the messages and reply to or archive the few really interesting ones.

I actually do use procmail on mailing lists to divert their messages (which usually are entire digests) to a specific folder when on vacation.
We can have pretty long vacations in this country :-)

I have divided the lists I am subscribed to in two categories and so have just two folders, one per category.

For the less interesting lists, when I am away I divert them to /dev/null.

For the most interesting lsits, I divert them to a cumulative folder, so I can read them when I am back.

This way my INBOX is not cluttered with mailing list messages, but only with messages from invididuals. This makes easy to sort the backlog when I return. Or to access the INBOX via a webmailer (which I may do once or twice per vacation period ... I am not the type which needs to be permanently connected :-))

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info : http://www.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~lucio/personal.html
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